Geneva, Switzerland. A place that does not pop in our heads as a priority to visit. One of the advantages of being at TAP is precisely visiting some places where you never thought about visiting and Geneva was a very pleasant surprise! It is true that in Portugal this year the summer has been a disappointment, so it helps a lot going to several places in Europe where actually the weather is great. The city of Geneva, right at Lake Léman, is nice at this time of year, with its impeccably maintained old buildings, its impressive blue and transparent channels and the lake that makes us travel mentally to Lausanne or Montreaux , on the opposite end of the lake.

The biggest attraction of the city is the Jet d’Eau, an artificial geyser with 140m of height. The hotel where we stayed gives us a daily transport pass, so we took the various boats that are part of the city’s public transport network, moving away from the center and then back on foot.

We had a picnic in the shade of one of the trees next to l’Horloge Fleurie, a clock made of flowers – and there are actually luxury watch shops around every corner, if we were not in Switzerland. Then we walked through the pedestrian area in ​​the center and up the hill to the Cathedral of Saint Piérre, whose organ and chapel des Macchabeés are worth the visit! It is also possible to climb to the bell tower (5 €), which I kept to do on a next visit.

We continue the day wandering through the city, the canals, to observe the many swans that swim in these waters. It’s a city you can easily see in one day, but it was really nice to visit!

If you liked this post and want to read more about my trips to Switzerland, you can visit the following posts: