How much does it cost to live in Mérida

How much does it cost to live in Mérida

I spent five months in Mérida, Yucatán with a scholarship from Santander Ibero American Programs. The scholarship was of 2300€ for the whole semester and it is the same to every destination, independently of the costs of the city or how far away it is (for example,...
Typical costume from Tehuantepec, Oaxaca, Mexico

Typical costume from Tehuantepec, Oaxaca, Mexico

My boyfriend’s family comes from the south of the state of Oaxaca, in Mexico. All the regions have their traditional costumes, that you can see during the Guelaguetza, in Oaxaca, in July. Normally all the families have typical costumes from the region they...
Reasons to go to Mérida in exchange

Reasons to go to Mérida in exchange

I was in Florence, doing my Erasmus, loving my second year abroad. It was April, which meant the experience was almost over and, though I love Portugal, I really didn’t want to go back for two more years of university. One day I arrive home after school and I...
10 days in Guatemala

10 days in Guatemala

The itinerary I leave here today isn’t exactly what I did, once I integrated Guatemala in a trip from Mérida to Mexico City and I was just 7 days in the country. This is my suggestion for 10 days (aka I wish I had more time there!) to those who travel directly to...
Dominican Republic and all-inclusive resorts

Dominican Republic and all-inclusive resorts

Yes, the “child” on the photography above is me. How you can already imagine I went to the Dominican Republic a few years ago, precisely in 2005. One of the advantages of having divorced parents is that you have duplicate holidays and on that summer, the...