The island is magic! Tell those who live there and tell those who visit it! The island changes lives, those who visit the island are not indifferent, some change their lives so that the island is part of it. I’m speaking about Mozambique island, the first capital of the Mozambican territory, place where Portuguese contacted first, city with history, beautiful people, UNESCO heritage site!

The island is divided into two parts, the city of stone and lime and the city of macuti – name in the Macua dialect for the houses with coconut leaf roofs. Most of the population lives in the city of macuti and on thursdays there is a market near the church of Santo António, so we decided to explore this side of the island. There is not much variety on the island – lettuce is rare, crab only on Sunday, etc. – and all children ask to be photographed with no request in return, they only want to see themselves.



















The city of stone and lime is where the important buildings are – the former Government Palace, the Court, the mosque or the hospital – and where the wealthiest live. It reminds me a little of Cuba, decaying colonial architecture. If on the first day we visited São Sebastião Fortress, on the second day we visited the museum, the former Governors Palace, which was then a Franciscan convent. Unfortunately it was forbidden to photograph inside the palace, full of Indo-Portuguese furniture and beautiful spaces. Visits are always guided, allowing us a good understanding of the history of the place.

The island has to be lived, it can’t be felt with photos. The island is lobster and fish, the island is the meeting place for a Manica beer before or after dinner at Jorge’s bar, the island is yoga classes at sunset. The island is sea bathing when the tide allows, the island is watching the dhows passing, the island is a one way bridge. The island is Vera, Wimbi and Mario, the island is mussiro face masks, the island is magic!